Taking A “Gap Year” Between High School and Higher Education

When I was seventeen years old I graduated from high school. I married and took a gap year working in a notebook factory. This turned out to be a good thing for me to do. When I did start college I was ready emotionally and scholastically to take on the challenge. I already knew what it was like to work full-time on the job. Now I knew I wanted to get a degree to work in nursing. I was more determined then ever to get my education. I was serious about it. 

You should consider doing the same thing yourself. It will give you time to reflect and determine what is important to you. This will help you when you start school to realize what a privilege it is to be able to further your education. You will be more determined than ever to apply yourself and make sure you are giving your best when going to school. It will give you a sense of purpose and the determination it will take to complete school

Consider taking a gap year yourself!

Read more about it in this article by Jena Manuel Krugstad.

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